First and foremost, we want to thank everyone who participated in our 75th-anniversary celebration contest. Your commitment to quality craftsmanship is truly inspiring, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with you in the future.
We had three categories for winning submissions, the oldest functioning Kval machine, the oldest functioning prehung Kval machine, and last but not least, the oldest functioning CNC Kval machine. Congrats to our winners below!
1st Prize - Butler Doors, Fort Worth, TX
The first prize goes to Butler Doors in Fort Worth, TX. Their Kval manufactured 990-RCD from 1968, which was built for residential doors, is the oldest Kval machine and remains the heartbeat of their small shop. This machine is still in use daily and truly deserves recognition for its longevity.
2nd Prize - Ohio Valley Door, New Albany, IN
The second prize goes to Ohio Valley Door in New Albany, IN. The Kval Commander, manufactured in 1988, won the category for oldest pre-hung. The Commander is still machining daily and reliably producing high-quality architectural flush wood doors.
3rd Prize - Huttig Building Products, Greensburg, PA
And finally, the third prize goes to Huttig Building Products in Greensburg, PA, for their oldest CNC with a DL-NCB from 2007. This machine is the heart of their operation and allows them to efficiently and precisely prep doors for all of their departments.